U intervjuu za septembarsko izdanje australijskog magazina Vogue, glumica Margot Robbie govori o svojim životnim ciljevima.

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Margot Robbie, koju trenutno možemo da gledamo u bioskopu u najnovijem Tarantinovom filmu Bilo jednom u Holivudu, u kome igra glavnu žensku ulogu, rame uz rame sa Bradom Pittom i Leonardom diCapriom, dala je ekskluzivni intervju povodom naslovnice septembarskog izdanja Vogue Australia, u kojem je otkrila da tačno zna koje životne ciljeve želi da postigne pre nego što napuni 80 godina.

Nema sumnje da autralijska glumica Margot Robbie ima zvezdanu karijeru. Mnogi filmovi u kojima je igrala dosad (uključujući The Wolf of Wall Street i I, Tonia, a od kraja godine gledaćemo je i u, nesumnjivo, filmskom hitu Bombshell) postali su hitovi. Ali da li je to ono što glumica želi?

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At 29, #MargotRobbie has built one of the most impressive nascent careers on screen, thanks to star turns in The Wolf of Wall Street, Suicide Squad and, more recently, I, Tonya, which she also produced. But her new role as actress #SharonTate, who was killed in the Charles Manson murders in 1969, is set to propel her to even greater heights. “There are so many Hollywood stories and so many stories ingrained in Hollywood history and that’s one of the standouts,” Robbie told #QuentinTarantino in a candid chat for our cover story, which you can read in the bio link. “So did I know Sharon Tate? Well, I knew all about her death … And then to go back and do all that research and watch all her movies and see her interviews – it was truly a great gift to focus on her life.” Here, Robbie stars on our second September cover. Photographed by @mario_sorrenti, styled by @christinecentenera, Vogue Australia, September 2019.

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”Nadam se da ću moći kada se osvrnem i kažem da sam dobro proživela godine – rekla je glumica svojoj majci Sarie Kessler koja je bila prisutna tokom intervjua. Nije me briga ako filmovi u kojima igram ne postanu uspeh veka, ono što mi je zaista važno jeste da znam da sam dala sve od sebe u onome što radim i da volim ljude sa kojima sam radila”.

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“I got on #Neighbours and I thought that in itself was the biggest thing that was ever going to happen to me,” #MargotRobbie shares in Vogue Australia’s September cover story (in the bio link). “Then a few months after being on Neighbours, I witnessed a couple of cast members my age making that transition to LA after finishing up their contracts. I remember thinking: ‘Okay, now I have the lay of the land I have three options. One, I get fired because I’m not good enough. Two, I am good enough and I get to stay on Neighbours for 20 years and what an amazing life that would be. Or three, I take the gamble and make the jump over to America and try my luck in Hollywood.’” The rest is history. Here, Robbie stars on our third September cover. Photographed by @mario_sorrenti, styled by @christinecentenera, Vogue Australia, September 2019.

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Nastavila je rekavši: “Snimanje filma je veoma dugotrajan proces, a ljudi to često ne shvataju. To je godina vašeg života, pa je važno da dok radite uživate i volite ono što radite”.

Na kraju je rekla: „Želim da se osvrnem i znam da je moj život bio pun pustolovina, zabave sa divnim ljudima sa kojima sam provela najbolje godine svog života“.

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For Vogue Australia’s September issue, #QuentinTarantino reveals how casting #MargotRobbie in Once Upon a Time in … Hollywood was a matter of fate. “I’d heard you were going to do 10 movies and I couldn’t bear the thought I would miss the boat,” Robbie tells Tarantino in the September cover story. “But at the same time I wasn’t really in the right position to reach out to Quentin Tarantino and say: ‘Hello, my name is Margot and can I come visit your sets?’ It wasn’t until we did I, Tonya that I thought: ‘Now I’m happy with my acting. I feel like I’ve reached the stage where this body of work will show people what I can do as an actor. Now I’m ready to chat with Quentin Tarantino and write that letter.’” Find out what was in that fateful letter in the bio link. Here, Robbie stars on our fourth and final September 2019 cover. Photographed by @mario_sorrenti, styled by @christinecentenera, Vogue Australia, September 2019.

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